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What’s Next?

I am back in Indiana and the question I get asked the most is: what's next? I feel like that question has been asked of me hundreds of times. After graduating high school and college, I was asked what … Read more about What’s Next?

Lion’s Roar

  Lions have been standing out to me the last couple of months. I’ve heard them in songs. I’ve seen them in pictures. In paintings or drawings. In real life. They’re everywhere I go for some reason. … Read more about Lion’s Roar

The Lord Shows Up

This last month in eSwatini has been such a fun month. Going to the care points, participating in ATL days, learning to care and love people better, all of it, has been so growing for me. The Lord has … Read more about The Lord Shows Up

He Qualifies Me

Here’s a short snippet of what the Lord has been teaching me and what has been on my mind lately. There have been so many times these last few weeks that I have said the words “I am not qualified for … Read more about He Qualifies Me

Where Am I?

Where am I? I am currently in Gainesville, GA, starting the second week of my squad's training camp! I have been down here in Georgia for almost three weeks now, and, woah, has the Lord been GOOD! I … Read more about Where Am I?

Kyrgyzstan Recap

Kyrgyzstan was such a FUN country! It started off with some of our parents coming and visiting us where we could show them a small glimpse of our life this year. We got to be apart of different … Read more about Kyrgyzstan Recap