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I am back in Indiana and the question I get asked the most is: what’s next? I feel like that question has been asked of me hundreds of times. After graduating high school and college, I was asked what was next for me. After high school, I headed straight into college, and after college, I headed straight into the Race. Then from the Race, I went straight into another Race. Now, I’m done and I’m back home. And I sit and wonder what is next for me. If I am being fully honest, I really don’t know. There’s a lot I could do, and there’s a lot that I would love to do. But when it comes down to it, I’m not quite sure what the Lord is calling me into next. And that is really hard. Not knowing is really hard. There’s a sense of feeling displaced that comes with this. While I have enjoyed my time back home, it’s also been hard. Not knowing what I’m supposed to step into is difficult. One thing I do know is that He has called me to rest. I am not really great at resting. Something the Lord taught me at the beginning of this year was that He rested. You see it in Genesis 1. You see it throughout the Gospels when Jesus rested. You see the Lord prioritizing rest. I never prioritized seasons of rest. I don’t take advantage of the moments of stillness where I can just be. I find myself going from one thing to the next and not soaking up every part of the moment right in front of me, no matter how big or how small. I just stepped away from a really intense community. I know that He wants me to take what I learned from that experience and cultivate it within the people around me. I know that He wants me to be okay with being still and hearing His voice in that. I know that He wants me to enjoy my time with my family and friends that I’ve been away from this last year and a half. So while I may not know exactly what the Lord is having me step into, job or ministry wise, I do know that He is having me step into community, stillness, and enjoying the moments He keeps giving me.