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Thoughts & Inspiration

This last month in eSwatini has been such a fun month. Going to the care points, participating in ATL days, learning to care and love people better, all of it, has been so growing for me. The Lord has had me rely on Him in ways I haven’t had to rely on Him. He’s always shown up in so many different ways. In teams, in the squad, in my life, in the lives of people we get to meet, it’s so so cool to be a part of and watch Him just work and move. 

Here are a couple small ways I’ve seen the Lord show up this month:

1. ATL with Dad Bod Squad — One Thursday, we ended up not going to a care point but instead we did town ministry. It was raining but the six of us decided to prayer walk the town we were in and see where the Lord wanted to take us. As we were walking, one of our guys felt led to stop and talk to a shoe shiner with the other guy on the team. So as they talked and shared with him, I took the rest of the team to the side and we just started to intercede for them. They shortly joined us and shared that this man was a Jehovahs Witness and wanted them to come back on Monday to share more. It was continually raining, so I found a little mall that we could step into so we could pray for the man’s heart and the conversation that would take place at a later date. As we are praying, we are approached by a woman who wants to pray for us. She prays over us, and it leads to a long conversation where there is mutual encouragement and we get to pray over her as well. It was such a divine appointment from the Lord because she told us she never walks through there at that time of day. Dad Bod Squad all stepped out in boldness praying for her, speaking words of life and encouragement over her. We left our time with her in tears and ready for more divine appointments like that. I saw the Lord all through out it, especially since the team seemed so discouraged and not expectant at the beginning, and then after that they were READY to share the gospel and pray with everyone they encountered.

2. On the squad — This is gonna make me sound like a proud mom, but in each of my 16 racers I have seen so much growth and it’s only because of the Lord. They are growing in their faith, in their boldness to share, in understanding what it means to abandon comfort for the sake of the gospel, everything. It’s so sweet to watch. I’m watching them dig deeper and ask questions to further their knowledge and understanding of the Bible. Not just for their own benefit, but so they can pour into other people as well. The Lord is moving and working in their hearts and I feel so honored and blessed that He chose me to walk alongside of them and grow with them in this season.

3. My personal life — Man, while the Lord has been growing and stretching the squad, He is continually growing and stretching and refining me as well. One thing He has grown me in is understanding the power of prayer and intercession. A lot of times while we’re doing ministry I have found myself just in constant prayer. Praying for my squad. Praying for the people we are interacting with. Praying against the spiritual darkness that is so heavily around us. And not only is it happening in ministry, but it’s happening as I walk down the road, as I talk to my squad, as I just live my day-to-day life, even in the mundane things. I’m understanding Paul’s encouragement in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 “pray continually.” The context of this is Paul is ending his letter to the church in Thessalonica and he is encouraging them to rejoice, to pray, and give thanks in every situation. And for so long I could understand rejoicing and giving thanks but being in prayer constantly? That was hard. But the Lord has opened my eyes and my heart to the power of prayer and I find myself in prayer continually, just like Paul encourages.

These are just a few ways I’ve seen the Lord at work as we’ve been living life and doing ministry here in eSwatini. We are leaving so soon to head to South Africa where Ben and I are leading a mini debrief, and then after that we head to Jeffrey’s Bay where we will be for the next two months partnering with a ministry host there. Keep us in your prayers as we travel this next week!

God bless all of you!