
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Yesterday was my last ministry day on the field. Today is a rest day. Tomorrow begins an adventure week. And then a week from tomorrow I fly back to the States for a final debrief before heading home home. These last 11 months have absolutely flown by. On one hand, it feels like just last week I was in Romania struggling to transition into this year. On the other hand, it feels like five years have passed since then. The Lord has been good and has been faithful and stretched me in so many different ways.  

I sit in India and reflect on the last 11 months, on all of the 9 countries I’ve gone to, all of the ministries I’ve been part of. I think of how the Lord provided. He’s provided housing when I wasn’t sure if we’d have any. He’s provided food when we were running short on money. He’s provided transportation even some of the oddest ways. He’s provided in every physical way I can think of. 

I also think of all the people He’s placed in my life this year. People that have shown themselves to be people of peace. People that have blessed me more than I ever could have imagined. People who have shown me characteristics of Jesus, both believers and non believers, which goes to show that God is our Creator. 

The last week I’ve been super reminiscent of this year. I think of countless stories from each month. My team and I were talking about different memories from the year and we had to break it down into each month and within each month we broke it down into favorite ministry memories, favorite fun memories, favorite team memories, and so forth. This year was hard, definitely not easy whatsoever. But this year was also one of the most transformative years of my life thus far. I think of all the ways that I’ve been stretched in vulnerability, in sharing parts of myself, in sharing my story, in sharing the Gospel. It’s been a good year.

As the year ends, I look to what is next for me. And in all honesty, I don’t know. I head back to the States with no idea of what the Lord has in store for me. It’s scary. But also exciting in some ways. I know that He has a plan. I just have to trust that He’ll be faithful, the same way He was all of this year.

I can’t believe how fast everything these 11 months have gone by and that I’m heading home so so soon. Time truly does fly when you’re serving the Lord.