
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

In just over two weeks I will be heading down to Georgia for training camp. I am so excited. There will be so much to learn. I will be meeting so many new people. It will all be so exciting. But on top of the excitement, I am nervous as well. There are the nerves of just knowing I am getting closer to leaving the country for a year. There are the nerves of not knowing what to expect. Especially since two weeks ago I received news that absolutely changed my plans and everything I thought I knew for this next year.

When I committed to the World Race back in March, I chose the Global South route. A route that took me through South America, Southern Africa, Eastern Africa, and South Asia. These were all regions I had wanted to visit and experience, and so naturally this route drew me in. I spent the next number of months getting to know people also going on this route. I was looking forward to all of the countries I would be at and even the potential countries I could visit. But then two weeks ago, I read an email that put me in shock and a little bit of sadness. They had to change things up and I now had to choose a different route. This was hard because I was so focused on the route I had chosen 6 months ago, that I wasn’t sure which to even choose. On top of that, I had one week to choose a new route. I took the next week to pray and to talk to those I trusted most as I searched for guidance on what to do.

I finally was able to choose a new route (which I will reveal in a bit), but in that process, I  realized that God was really testing my trust. I love to say I trust God fully. Don’t we all? But this situation really had me thinking, “But do I?” I truly believe this was a way of God saying, “Okay Makayla, you trust Me? Let’s see how you handle this.” And though I was shocked and saddened when I first received the news, I cannot thank God enough for this new opportunity He has given me. It is a weird transition because there is so much that is different. I know no one else going on this route. I am unsure of the countries I will be in. I am truly stepping into this blindly. But I cannot wait to see what God does. 

So you all may be wondering, Makayla, where are you going now?? Well, I chose the Expedition route. This route takes me to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, and East Asia. These are wildly different regions of the world than where I was originally planning on going. But I think God is going to do some really cool things in these regions. As I spent that week praying about what to do, God placed this route really heavily on my heart. I don’t necessarily know why, but I trust that God has much bigger plans than I can even imagine. 

As I wrap this up, I want to share a song that I listened to on repeat as I was trying to figure out what to do (and honestly still listen to on repeat) was “I Don’t Wanna Go” by Chris Renzema. Definitely give it a listen because it is so so good. But I just want to end with the chorus which has become my everyday prayer:

“Cause I don’t wanna go if you’re not going before me
I don’t wanna go if you’re not going before me
I don’t wanna go if you’re not going before me
I don’t wanna go if you’re not going before me”